Tuesday, June 23, 2009

UNO Experience: Dorm Chapter

When I moved into the dorms, I admit: I was a little nervous. After all, I've never been quite the outgoing guy; the last time I'd slept over somewhere else was years ago, and the last time I had spent a long time with others was...never. It wasn't nervousness about being alone that nagged at me, it was my manner of living. For example, I never really cared what kind of sheets I slept on, so my parents provided me with whatever we had: generally some flowery pattern of some kind. That was fine for me, but would it make me seem strange to others?

I spent a decent amount of time trying to compensate for that. I'd bring clothing I could sleep in and still appear decently respectable, not that stuff I still wore because I was too lazy to go to the store and buy newer stuff. I'd make sure my shirts weren't too small or ridiculously ragged. I made sure that I had everything I needed as well. Went through all my typical motions of my daily routines to make sure I had everything. After packing up, I felt confident...but still feared leaving something behind.

It turns out that I had only left behind a jump drive. My mother delivered it the next morning (thank goodness too, it had my paper on it), and I began to try out dorm living for real. In order to simulate having more than one or two classes a day, there were many activities planned, which made it difficult to juggle exactly what to do at what time. It was very tempting at times to sit around and play Galaga and Spades (I was taught how to play, and spent at least 6 hours playing) than do my homework. I had to shift between mindsets, and at one point got up early to compensate for my lack of dedication.

I got to know a lot of people over that week, and they were all great. Being forced to live in the same place as 30 other people really gets you to interact. Even a closet nerd like myself, staying in my basement and out of the sun for long periods of time, managed to befriend many and forge new friendships. The RAs were great as well, helping us out when we needed it, playing us in Ping Pong, and in cards. They helped us learn what it was like, and made sure we floated instead of sinking.

All in all, it was a great time, and though some activities were less than beneficial to free time, they were all worthwhile, and I almost wish I could stay at the dorm longer. If we stayed longer, though, I have a sneaking suspicion that there would be many more activities....

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